Biocybernetics Research and Development Ltd.


The Biocybernetics Ltd., which was registered on 27th March, 2006 by the Registry Court, is the first spin-off company of the Semmelweis Medical University, Hungary. It was founded by the University, Dr. Jeno Pali (executive director) and Prof. Andras Csillag (head of the Department of Anatomy) to develop the elements of an artificial hand (neuroprosthesis) which will help those people who have lost their extremities. The project is financed by the European Union (GVOP-3.3.1-05/12005-0011/3.0.).
We have completed the most important part of the artificial hand, the neuromorph artificial touch sensing and gripping device which was based on the European patent EP1360642 of Dr. Jeno Pali.
We are developing an artificial synapse now (Dr. Jeno Pali, patent HU 223490) so that an artificial limb (neuroprosthesis) can be connected to the nervous system and the sensory and motor functions can also be restored in this way.